Sunday, October 14, 2007

Here is a piece of our sweet Reese

I should have started this blog 2 months ago...but didn't even think about it. This is our newest addition to our family. For those of you feeling out of the loop because I never mentioned I was pregnant...don't worry, I wasn't. This little sweetie was a special little surprise...and the best surprise of our lives. We found out in July that we had been selected by a birth mother to be the parents of her baby. We had no idea if our child would be a boy or a girl...and it didn't matter. We had 5 shot weeks to prepare for the arrival of our Sweet Reese. Reese Morgynne Wilkinson was born August 17th, 2007 in Logan Utah. We arrived just in time. When we found out she was a girl, we were ecstatic. Brian and I were bursting with joy when we saw her for the first time. She has been such a huge blessing in our lives. I can not believe I could ever love anyone so much. She is an angel and we love her so much. As you can see from the pictures, we have a lot of fun. Reese has already had so many adventures to talk about. From visiting Temple square and hiking Provo canyon at just 2 and 3 days old, she has been around the block already. We can't wait to have more adventures with her. She is almost 2 months old and is starting to smile and "goo" and "gaa". She loves to take rides in the car, rides in the stroller, rides in the Baby Bjorn, and loves to be outside. She has already shown amazing abilities in the art of sucking. She can, and will, suck anything from a pacifier, finger, arm, and even her Daddy's nose. She loves her mama and always wants to be held. She is growing up so is amazing all the things she can do. She gets to be more and more fun everyday. This is Reese in the Pumpkin Patch. Her little Pumpkin head is so cute.


La La said...

So cute! What a sweet piece of pumpkin pie! Love the hat and onesie....auntie La

Leslee said...

Remember the phone calls, saying "How am I going to do this? Am I going to love the baby? Are they going to send us home with some sort of manual?" I told you we all have these questions and it just works out - and I KNEW you would fall in love at first sight! She is such a cutie! Isn't being a mom the best?