Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reese had a rough day!

Well, this is the first of many baths today. Poor Reese has not been feeling good...First she had a major pooping accident all over her crib...then she fell down the stairs...and then she was throwing up all night...After calling her Pediatrician, we were advised to take her to the ER in case the vomiting was related to the fall. Apparently vomiting following a bump on the head is not a good thing. Luckily, it turned out to be the stomach bug...but what a coincidence. Poor baby hada rough day, but was hapy to take a bath at the end of it all.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

She is so darn cute. I am glad that it was just the stomach bug. I can't wait to see her in October. It will be almost one full year.