Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yesterday Reese was playing with Presley and suddenly yelled out, "Potty" and went running to the bathroom. She sat there and read a book, but nothing. Later she said poo-poo. I brought the potty out, she sat on it, got up, walked away. A few minutes later I see Presley sticking her hand in the potty and putting something in her mouth. Reese had gone pee-pee for the first time (on her own). That little Presley with her PICA. Not sure what to do about her. I guess it's a good thing urine is sterile. Still, GROSS! Mama ran her 1/2 marathon yesterday and it was the first race since having kids. She is slightly crippled today. Presley has started saying "Nah". She also wipes herself after she goes potty in her diaper. She copies everything Reese does and will probably potty train at the same time. Oh, how I can't wait for life without diapers (and accidents).

1 comment:

Allison Chapple said...

My quads are trashed today. Everything else it ok, thank goodness!! So, when's the next race ;).

You did great!! And way to go, Presley. Baker is going to be in diapers for a LONG time, I'm afraid.