"Iwanttoooo!" is Reese's favorite word at the moment. You can fill in the blank..."I want to ....dance...sing....col-ow (color), eat...." My personal favorite is, "I wanna watch cawseat". (as she brings me Disney Pixar's "CARS" dvd).It is pretty cute! Presley is a girl of few words, but when she wants to talk, she speaks! She doesn't babble like Reese did when she was her age. If she wants to say it, she does! I love it when she hands me her sippy cup and says, "Aww dunn!"...or when she asks for "abua" (agua). She is so funny and so cute how she tries to run and jump. And when she gets mad, you better keep all body arts away from the open mouth...that girl is jaws and will take your finger off. Just ask Reese. Presley loves to get messy and is officially the "Master of Disaster" Reese is a ittle neat freak and doesn't like to get a speck on her. Yesterday at church I was talking to someone and she walks up and hands me something and says, "mom-eee! He ya go!" It was a booger! A big one! Gotta love being a mom!