Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So, I am often writing about all the funny things Presley says, but here are a few "Reesisms"... "Holy moly crap!" is her new favorite. We also just saw "Annie". She runs around the house singing, "To-my-o". Whenever I tell her to be careful, she asks, "Why mom? Because I will fall and bleed and DIE!?!?" (It's really funny when she says it so dramastically). I told my chiropractor that Reese was trying to give me an adjustment when I pulled my back the other day. I was laying on the floor and she went through the shpheel my voodoo dr. does. My Chiropractor asked Reese if she would give HER an adjustment, to which Reese responded, "Hmmm...sorry...I have dance class today!"

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