Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beach Babies!

Daddy lookin' very hot!

Presley discovers why it is called a "sand"wich.


what a cute kid!

Reese in the water with Dad! We couldn't keep her out, so we didn't. She played in the ocean the ENTIRE time!

We spent the weekend at Wrightsville Beach. It was the first time the girls have been to an NC beach, and what a treat! The water here on the Atlantic is soooo nice. Reese pretty much played in the water the whole time, and our little sandflea played in the sand. Thank heaven she didn't eat it this year! The girls had sooo much fun and are looking forward to going again soon.

1 comment:

Emma and Dan said...

Yay for Presley not eating sand anymore! :) I'm so glad that you guys had a good time.