Friday, July 15, 2011

Naptime Negotiation!

Presley is at the age in which she has been "trying" to negotiate the rules of her nap. You know what I mean, "Mommy, just 5 more minutes", or "I can watch one more show?" "Two books; no, three books. Just one more pleeeeeeease?" The other day it was past naptime, she was getting crabby, and I carried her up to her room while she was kicking and screaming; hitting me over the head with her toy horsie. She finally wiggled free, laid down on the floor and starting kicking me. "I not take a nap. I want to watch Max and Ruby". I told her no. She responded, "I don't like you anymore". I said that was fine, but she still needed to take a nap. Then she stuck her lips out and said, "YOU GO TO WORK!" At this point is was getting hard not to laugh, but I held it together and said, "Sorry. I don't work anymore". She took a deep breath and yelled "THEN...GO TEACH YOUR BIKE CLASS!"

1 comment:

Emma and Dan said...

Love it! How is not working going?

Elena has been giving me serious attitude lately too: "No, Mommy, I'm not going to do it. Not for one single second. Don't even ask me ever again." That sentence applies to a variety of situations.

I need to call you this week. I've been thinking about you and wondering how things are going. :)