Friday, April 2, 2010

Reese and Presley

Reese looking snazzy in mama's "bracette" (All jewelry is considered a bracelet).
Presley yells, "Weeeeeeee!!!!" as she slides down the arm of the couch in yet another of her outfits that she put together.

I am downstairs updating the blog and I hear the girls in their bed singing the abc's and "twinkletwinkle little star". They are so cute together. Yesterday we were playing outside with all the neighborhood kids when Presley walks up to me with the front of her shirt all wet and a strange expression on her face. She was carrying a bubble didn't take long to figure out that she took a gulp of the bubbles...especially when she burped and a huge bubble formed out of her mouth. Ahh, I wish I had it on funny!

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