Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scawwweeee Witch!

We had a great weekend. It was absolutely beautiful weather for October, so we spent the entire weekend outdoors. Saturday we went with a group of friends to the Lazy Five Ranch. The girls loved the horse drawn wagon and feeding all the animals. Presley loved the baby piggies. She would giggle everytime she saw one. I will have to say, it was hard not to grab one and stick it in my purse to take home and keep as a pet. So cute. Presley also liked petting the sheep. She said, "Oooh! Soft, like Polka Dot Blankie". Reese was in love with feeding the baby goats. They also had a hay bale maze and a corn pit. The girls loved jumping off the hay into the corn. They brought a ton of it home in their britches, too. Gives a whole new meaning to the word "corn hole". Hahaha. Halloween was fun, too. The girls were so tired from the ranch that we didn't make it to the church trunk-or-treat party. However, we did go around the neighborhood and trick-or-treat to the neighbors. Thanks, neighbors, who gave our kids fruit, yogurt, bubbles, books, and socks in lieu of candy. We really appreciate your thoughfulness...Then we headed over to Ardmore to see the haunted houses. Funny how they weren't afraid of the scary witch, zombies, skeletons, spiders, and freaky clowns, but Presley was terrified of someone dressed as a duck. Go figure!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Wow! You have got some awesome neighbors. They r super thoughtful.